
Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's probably a sign of madness that I have come back to this blog, trying to revive it again. I usually run out of steam, time, or some other thing before long, so no need to get excited. It's just that I've been kept awake this past week from the effects of discovering Barry Hutchison's creepy series, Invisible Fiends. I'm "reading" them in the car, as I travel around my many work places. I'm a bit worried about visiting my next school, with "Raggy Maggie" still inhabiting the brain cell! More later.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Fantastic Friday

This is nearly the last day of my 3 weeks holiday, and only the 3rd on which I have actually worked! (instead of being on holiday). I will take substitute days of as soon as possible - somewhere near the end of time. So, what motivates a librarian to go to work when she could be resting at home with the sad dog? Well, this time it was our book: the one we pieced together with our Indigenous Playgroups over the past year and finally got around to launching and sharing with the families. With the very snappy title "Let's go to playgroup" our book recollects all the learning and fun that the group have enjoyed together and the close relationship being developed with the families and the library. I guess the next one will have to be about going to the library! And now, for an early night. More later.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

L is for ...

Well, I just saw this lovely animation, so look! Just when I was beginning to think that libraries were starting to labour the point about literacy, along comes this beautifully illustrated (and spoken) message that says so much. Libraries are lively places these days, and not everybody loves this. Our Noosa Library today had the pleasure of welcoming 70 new young readers from a local school. A good third of the 7-8 year olds had not previously visited the library at all, although they were able to walk over from school. When we introduce children to the library for the first time, I like to turn off the computers, and give them plenty of time to explore the books independently. Rather than tell them how important reading is to them, just give them space to look around and explore their passions. I was rewarded by the positive comments of the teachers, and three hearty cheers from the masses as they headed back to school. I felt like The Queen! Two myths were busted: Year 2s are too old for Storytime (busted!); Non-fiction books don't interest kids anymore (BUSTED!) More later.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Voices at your Library

Wednesday, the day after Voices on the Coast Youth Literature festival is over, enables us to tour a couple of willing authors around our local Sunshine Coast Libraries, to meet and greet those kids (and some adults) who may have missed the fun. This year we had the pleasure of Sally Rippin and Christopher Cheng, visiting a range of libraries. I had the honour of 'driving Miss Sally" from Coolum to Cooroy to Noosa, meeting a variety of listeners on the way. Sally impressed her fans with her range of talents - from illustrating to writing novels and early readers. The most interesting part of her talk, for me, was how she made beautiful picture books as gifts for children in her life. What a great idea. Even if you did no other form of writing, or ever became a "famous author", using your talents to give pleasure to a special person is a great thing to do. Thanks Sally!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Voices on the Coast - day 2

This Youth Literature Festival is one of the best I have attended. And it's run by a modern day Darby and Joan! Well, that's not completely accurate, but the atmosphere is local and friendly with a broad view on literary styles and cultural sensitivities. As a volunteer usher, I had the joy of meeting authors as varied as Alison Lester (Australian Children's Laureate 2012), DC Green (surf writer and mad creature), Frane Lessac (NY born self taught artist of many picture books) and Glenda Millard (who has won so many Australian awards). Glenda reminds me of my cousin, and had so many different stories to tell about the origins of her picture books: each unique, and making me think there should be a new category of picture book to encourage people to buy them for other than small children! Things are evolving. More later.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Voices on the Coast

The annual Youth Literature Festival on the Sunshine Coast has come around again. So I must interrupt the winery library research to concentrate on books and kids. This year there will again be a great line up of authors, illustrators and other creators of great wordy and piccy things that kids (and many adults) will love. Example: James Roy, a truly talented, multi-award-winning (I know authors cringe to hear that phrase!) author of books for young people. See his website. He'll be doing talks and workshops. See Voices on the Coast Website for the full programme. Or follow them on the TwitFace @voicesoncoast. More later.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Consumed with Passion?

Where is this place? Ram's Gate Winery Library! Just reading their advertisement makes me nostalgic for something. "In this digital age, there is something deliciously naughty about escaping to our Library." They seem to have wine, books about wine, and somewhere nice to sit and sample wine. Hmmm. More exploration is necessary.